Ambassador of peace and friendship in the international seminar on women and peace

Mrs. Tayebe Mohammad, chief of ambassadors of peace and friendship, participated in the international seminar on “Women and Peace” in Vienna; Switzerland by invitation of United Nations and introduced his proposal as “Women for land, land for the child” to representatives of other nations. Mrs. Mohammed, as the representative of Iranian women and mothers, offering […]

  • Author: isbkids
  • Time: July 8, 2016
  • 928Views:

Woman for Earth, the Earth for children

Introduction: The life of our earth passes millions of years now. In these years we have seen a lot of events, such as births and deaths. If the earth was able to talk, it would talk about the story of its cliffs which was created layer by layer. The earth with affection accepts the man […]

  • Author: isbkids
  • Time: July 3, 2016
  • 789Views:

The study of the common cultures among countries and the use of them for the education of women and children

As it is cited in Wikipedia, culture has a single meaning in all countries. Culture is a logical and prevalent strategy for the solution of any real or unreal needs in a society. Culture is always like software and civilization which is a part of it is called hardware. So each society base on its […]

  • Author: isbkids
  • Time: July 3, 2016
  • 855Views:

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